Signs You may Need a Money Coach

Something just doesn’t feel right

You just know something is not right and money is a constant source of stress and anxiety for you

the debts keep piling up

You’ve tried sticking to budgets and other techniques but nothing seems to work

Feeling shame & Frustration

When it comes to your current financial situation, you feel frustrated and ashamed


You’ve come to realize that you spend money to deal with or process your emotions

What is money 

Coaching is a form of development designed to help a client achieve a particular goal under the guidance of someone else (aka a coach).

In many cases, a coach is there to help someone meet a particular athletic or professional goal. In the case of money coaching, a coach helps clients to meet a specific financial goal.

Money Coaching combines both practical financial advice with sound psychological principles and universal spiritual truths to help transform your relationship with money, leading you to a more purposeful and prosperous life.

Money is not about the numbers. In fact, very few of our money problems are as a result of numbers. If money problems were limited to crunching the numbers, then wouldn’t we all be good with money?

Here are some alarming money stats which suggest that there is more to it than just the numbers:

42% of Americans workers live paycheck to paycheck, including 25% of those earning more than $100,000 per year

People in debt are three times more likely to have considered suicide than people who are not in debt

4 in 10 marriages in Canada will end in divorce and one of the primary reasons is financial issues

71% of Millennials say that their stress level related to financial issues has increased over the last 12 months

Through a collaborative and empowering process, Money Coaching will help you to:


Assess your “money type” and understand the impact it has on your life and your relationship with money


Learn to understand how your “money type” was formed and what you can do to change it

shift your mindset

Develop peace of mind, rid yourself of money anxiety based on false beliefs and unconscious patterns so you can unblock the flow of money into your life

build relationship

Money affects every area of our lives, including our relationships and the way we think about ourselves. Discover how money affects your relationships

See what clients are saying about the value of Money Coaching

Saran is an amazing money coach!! In a matter of a couple months she was able to help me change my money mindset and understand my relationship with money. I was never able to stick to a budget because I always felt I would miss out on something but with Saran’s help, I have been able to overcome my scarcity mindset and I have began a journey towards an abundance mindset.


I would recommend everyone to book at least one session with Saran. The session went so in-depth and was so well rounded that I soon realized that some of my habits were tied to emotions from as early as my childhood. This experience was life changing to say the least. I was resistant to acknowledging that my spending habits were flawed but Saran was patient and she truly transformed my thinking and relationship with money. I thought I knew everything about budgeting and saving but I was actually losing money.


It was the wise Maya Angelou who said – you can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been. Such profound truth, even with respect to money. Saran taught me that money isn’t just about the numbers. Yes, budgets have their place but for us to move forward into financial freedom, it’s really more about our mindset and how willing we are to unpack those emotions we have towards money.


Did you know most people fall into one or more of the eight money types?

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