Hi, I’m Saran and I’m a certified Money Coach

  • Are you feeling stressed, anxious or depressed about money?
  • Are you in a constant cycle of wanting to do better only to take 5 steps forward and 10 steps backward?
  • Do you have a financial goal or dream and need some help in building out a strategic plan?

Then maybe Money Coaching is for you

Here’s My Money Story

For as long as I could remember, I’ve always had a spending plan (budget). Did this mean I was automatically good with my finances? Nope, not at all. To my friends and family, I was the person who would always seem to have a handle on my money, and I did, to a certain extent. I knew how to negotiate a good deal and was always keen on getting the best value for my money.

But I became frustrated. I felt as though I was making a decent salary but I had little to show for it. I was self-sabotaging in two ways: retail therapy, saving then spending my savings. So saving towards a particular goal was easy for me but saving and keeping money long term was the problem.

Overcoming the scarcity mindset

Another problem I had was a scarcity mindset. It just felt like there was never enough money and I couldn’t catch a break. As soon as I was seemingly doing well, something would happen and I would have to take care of the next “problem”. This affected my relationship with money. It made me think that money was so hard to come by and even harder to keep.

Then money coaching happened…

I decided to go through the money coaching process and then all the light bulbs went off. I was able to uncover my money story and I learned that money is EMOTIONAL! This is why I would engage in retail therapy when I was feeling stressed or even when I was happy or in a good mood. Our emotions drive the way we spend money.

Money coaching helped to bring awareness to my money patterns and my limiting money beliefs. The reality was that I had a scarcity mindset that was holding me hostage.

Once I switched my mindset from one of scarcity to abundance, I was able to improve my relationship with money, which resulted in me starting to feel safe and not worry about money.

The money coaching process was enlightening and after experiencing first hand the far-reaching benefits, I was eager to share this gem with others so they can understand that money can be our friend. It is possible to take control of our finances by being aware of our money patterns and working on changing them.

So… is it retail therapy that you want or money therapy?

More on my educational and professional background

My journey started when I decided to pursue an undergrad in Accounting. From there, I have done postgraduate studies in International Business Management and now, I am a certified Project Manager.

In just about every role I’ve ever had, I’ve always been tasked with managing budgets of some sort. Having worked in accounting and developing budgets for different companies, I gained a pretty good understanding of money management.

My passion for learning about money and wanting to educate others on financial literacy drove me to pursue a certification in Money Coaching at the Money Coaching Institute. I am also certified as a Financial Coach so in leveraging my Money Coaching certification, I am able to see both sides of the coin. As such, when working with clients, I am able to adopt a holistic approach by not only assisting with the numbers aspect, but I am also able to highlight the emotional aspects of money as well

Enough about me, I’d love to hear your story.

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